Thursday, March 5, 2009

Too Yoooouuu...

You would think (or should I say I would think) I would be getting wiser with age. Isn't that how the phrase goes? How many times growing up did my parents repeat that to me, "when you're my age...", "xyz is something you learn with age." Well guess what? I'm now officially your age when you said those things and I'm not sure I know anything yet. AND to top it off, I think I've spent the past year RETHINKING all the stuff I thought I DID know!!! Which of course has led me to this topic and the overwhelming realization that I don't know squat. Luckily by the grace of God my kids won't be reading this till they are much older, this is not information I wish to bestow upon them now!!!

"Kids it's time I told you something, all those times I said you'll understand when you become a parent. I was wrong. I don't understand. I pretty much question everything anymore, your mommy is not so smart."

The kicking off of my official "mommies don't actually get smarter as they get older" pitch actually took place last night. I had planned a mom's night out with some girlfriends, let's hangout, drink some wine and gab after the kiddos have all passed out. Clue number 1 something is up; going out with girlfriends on the night before my birthday. Did I have any inkling they cared? Nope. Clue number 2; having host girlfriend's little boy (on his way to bed) talking about how he wants cake too. Any idea cake would be for me? Nope. Clue number 3; Girlfriend frantically trying to keep me out of kitchen shielding said cake, hunched over writing something. Any idea cake being hidden and friend is trying to sign card 3 feet away from me? Nope. Admittedly by clue number 4, people showing up saying the actual words Happy Birthday and handing me cards I started to finally piece things together. I love them. Hopefully through my complete oblivion they still love me too.

So now I'm left to wonder what other functions will be waining in the coming months/years. I was kind of hoping the mind would be the last to go, this does not bode well for the future. Then again, as long as I'm surrounding myself with friends that are thinking about me even when I am not, I think the future is place I might want to see. I may be older, I know I'm not wiser but I do know I'm cared about. Thanks guys.

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