Monday, April 13, 2009

What it's about.

The kids. OK, this is the world's shortest post. Done. Alright, alright I'll elaborate. When I started this I didn't really know why I was doing it. I honestly never read a blog and barely knew what the term meant. There wasn't a list of them I was aspiring to be, I simply knew I was supposed to write one and so I did. It started as a way to work through the voice that keeps popping up in my head, hoping that maybe the kids would grasp some glimmer of what mommy was thinking at any given time. Maybe reading my version of what happened, teamed up with their memory of it and ending up, well, I'm not sure what. Maybe they will discover mom's pizza crust recipe, or the secret to great Coq au Vin is using your own Coq (sorry Crowey, but man you were tasty.) I hope they'll understand that I would cook all day to fill the freezer so I didn't have to cook every day and could spend more time with them, sane. I hope they come to appreciate spicy food because my chili is competition ready, sorry shameless plug. I hope they can see that I struggle with what the voice is telling me but I still listen to Him. I want them to listen to Him too, since they sure don't listen to me. I don't want them to be the angry, glaring, tween's that their parents have to drag to church in their sleep pants and fuzzy slippers. Contempt for the passive/aggressive parents aside for letting their tween's show up that way. I want them to find joy in the first radish shoot popping up and continue to fight for the warm eggs under a broody hen. Like any parent, I just want to keep them wrapped in a cocoon of comfort, love and innocence. So spilling my tale here for them to read one day serves to keep me honest, keep me in check with my priorities and it has served a great creative outlet for a newbie stay at home mom. Ultimately, it's all about them.

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