I actually had to go back in time to see when I first posted about wanting to take up knitting and laughed when I saw it was one year ago. October 3rd I had posted on the sirens call of the clacking needles, while tightly woven, fuzzy strands emerged as if by magic into a creation I could call my own. What I didn't write about was the holes, the dropped stitches, the yarn ripped off needles over and over again. I didn't write about screaming obscenities at YouTube videos meant to show me 'simple' cast on's and mysterious increases. Nor did I write about the cathartic effect it has had on my mental state, turning anxiousness into focused repetition. It technically started in October of last year, by the end of Winter, or more accurately, the end of December, I had managed two pretty sorry scarves and a hat for Eric that the pom-pom promptly fell off of. I find it hysterical now to see patterns for wavy scarves, I did that on my first one, random increases and decreases my elusive nemesis. I admittedly, relegated it all to the closet to be picked up again when my patience was a bit more r

efined. Which takes us once again to another October. A weekend getaway with some friends and the need for a project. I find myself once more pulling out the needles and some yarn and packing them in the overnight bag. I completed my project, a skirt for Elaina, relatively quickly and the clincher was, it fit! I made another and then a hat. Then another hat, then I tried felting and more hats started rolling off the assembly. A pilgrimage was made to a real yarn store and there is now no turning back. Most are presents, which I have found in itself oddly enriching. When I make something for a friend or family member, I know going into it the project is for them. The yarn and pattern are chosen specifically for them of course but even more important is the time it takes. Whether an afternoon or an entire week, the time spent on the item is also spent thinking about that person. Good points and bad, relationships are sorted out, gone over and ultimately knit together with contemplative time alone between the strands emerging and I. Most projects I sadly can't show yet because they are presents and Christmas still looms. This year I hope it to be less commercial and more personal. It was thought to be cheaper but after that trip to the yarn store have discovered otherwise. So with meditative resolve we enter the holiday season, I will do all I can to squelch the frantic-ness that takes over my being. Knitting a little bit of peace into the season.
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