Another where to begin topic. We finally found a home church. After 10 years of marriage and countless attempts at different denominations none of which ever clicked. The last being a non-denominational church much like the one we are going to now. Unfortunately the timing was off, I had just had a miscarriage at 13 wks, my husband thought church was the place we needed to be and I simply wasnt ready. I was not happy w/anything or anyone God related, I didnt want to know that it was for the best or that there was a bigger plan or it all happens for a reason. I wanted my baby. I cried the entire service and never went back.
Last year things started to change. Not for the better mind you, we started going to marriage counseling where I came to stunning realization that I simply couldnt be super-mom any more. I couldnt work full time/cook/clean/educate/pamper or love anyone including myself. It was too much. My kids were unhappy, my husband was definitely unhappy and I was miserable. My work which I always loved, in an industry that was my passion was forsaking me. Changes, changes and more changes cut my take home in half and I could no longer afford to work there. Then I spent one entire day w/a winery owner, listening to her talk all day of this wonderful place they were located, a place my husband and I had visited pre-kids. I was hooked. I came home and told him we were moving, we HAD to get out. He of course laughed. We told our families of our (my) new plan, the following weekend my in-laws received an inquiry on what my husband was doing and would there be any way he would want to move to this exact town. Calls were made, tickets booked and in less than 5 months we were here. Not just here mind you, he got a raise, our house payment is exactly 1/2 of our last which allows me to stay home. We were invited to a church by his coworker and when we left we both knew it was home. Suddenly Im happier, the kids are happier, my husband is happier and our marriage is healthier than its ever been. I can look back now and see that everything that sucked the past year was preparing us for where we are today. Cutting my salary allowed us to realize we can live on less, I can stay home and do what Im really passionate about, cook real food for my family. Many woman have also warped into my life that I dearly love already and to top it off I was asked to be on the leadership team for a MOPS (mother's of preschoolers) group held at my church. I went to one meeting at the end of their year and now Im going to be helping to welcome other new moms in! Today's sermon talked about listening to that voice, God's voice. When he tells you something you need to do, you need to do it. He will provide. He told me we needed to move to this city, I told my husband, he told our family and here we are. It was all handed to us, and we are all the better. The voice told me this week to start this blog, so I am.
husband wanted red last night so we had Columbia Crest Two Vines Vineyard 10 Red, if you can find a better Washington red for $5 let me know 'cause this ones great! tonight I WILL have the Ash Hollow w/our pizza (Dough: 2c bread flour I like to use 1 1/2c bread flour and 1/2c spelt but whatever mix you like, mixed w/1 tsp salt, proof 1tsp yeast and 1/4 tsp sugar/honey in 1c warm water once yeast is going add to flour blend to combine and add 1 tbl olive oil continue till smooth but still very sticky/loose (no more than 5min). cover and rise about 1-1 1/2 hrs. prepare any toppings you wish, I like to make my sauce but any jarred sauce works fine too, oven as hot as it'll go 500-degrees, pour risen dough onto parchment or greased cookie sheet and w/well oiled fingers shape dough nice and thin, add toppings and bake about 15min, keep an eye on it!!! makes 2 small or 1 large pizza I like to do 2 small so I can put the toppings I like on mine, the kids get one to themselves which they of course make!)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Farmers Market
As an aspiring locavore I have come to absolutely love Saturday. Saturday is farmers market day. If Im not growing it myself then Im buying it at the farmers market where the flavors simply cant be beat. With 3 kids I want to make meals quick and have them taste their best, even if they only eat 2 bites of their zucchini I know what little they got in them is far better than an entire one shipped in from Uruguay 2 wks ago. Today's cache consisted entirely of garlic, my source had a sign on his table stating this was his last week there and it brought a tear to my eye. so I bought 6 and am hoping to sprout some of it so I can plant it myself.
After the market we had to find our seat on Main St for the county fair/politician's parade. At what point it became necessary for every person seeking some political office to enter in the parade is beyond me. luckily most were giving out candy so it kept the kids attention. Actually we need to rewind a wasnt all that warm yet so wandered in to the local coffee shop bypassing the Starbucks across the street. Finally getting to the front to order.
'yeah, I need 3 kids hot chocolates'
'its gunna be a while we have to make all the coffee customers first'
'does it help that I want a latte too?'
'Im just saying they're gunna have to wait'
'guess I thought you made drinks as they were ordered'
completely confused we left. they did know there was a parade outside their front door right? its only like the 142 annual one but hey lets not try to cater to kids!!! Kiddo's loved the parade, elijah of course holding his ears the entire time anticipating any loud noise but releasing them enough to scoop up all the candy falling like manna to his little feet.
tonights dinner grilled lemon garlic chicken w/sauteed garden corn and zucchini and a kamut pilaf. wine choice feeling like Ash Hollow Sauvignon Blanc, note to self...put in fridge!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Hi Ho Hi Ho off to the fair we go...
When I was in elementary school, oh so many years ago, there were lots things you could always count on. Chocolate milk on Thursday, school open unless God forbid it snowed or in our case in the pacific NW an ice storm and I honestly don't remember ANY homework. Now that I have one that has gone through a grade in the public school system and embarking on another, I'm forming some theories. Remember all those empty promises from all those kids running for the esteemed office of class president? Pony rides at lunch time!!! Chocolate Milk Every Day!!! No School When Its Snowy or Sunny!!!! and best of all NO HOMEWORK!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

She loved all the balloon/airplane rides but I was considering shutting down the roller coaster, that was about her limit!
elijah got in the action too w/the carousel.
I think every one of those kids went on to actually become the superintendents that we have today! living in Tucson Ethan had an entire week off because there was a rodeo, OK we thought, its a small town its what they do. Now we're in an even smaller town and low and behold the fair is in town WE BEST CLOSE THE SCHOOL!!!!! yes chocolate milk is offered every day, along w/4 options for lunch!!! I promise I don't give him as much as 2 options for dinner, here's your dinner, I made it, it is good. The only thing they had to barter with was the homework and boy did they. We got it in droves last year and barring any days off next week for more carnivals or traveling caravans I'm confident it will soon be flooding us again. That is of course if he's alive after being able to finally go on the rides!!!!!

Survive we did! Ethan chose the roller-coaster as his first ride ever, which he undertook w/dad. Unfortunately he chose the Tilt-A-Whirl as number two and guess who got the honors then?! Luckily I would be the one behind all the photos so there are no hard copy images.
After that elaina wasn't going to sit still and the kiddie area was quickly sought out.

I'm convinced all the rides need signs w/not only height requirements but age too. "you must be over 36" to ride unaccompanied and not over the age of 30." I don't think our food choices helped the matter, musts are of course cotton candy, popcorn and Carmel apples w/pizza, taco's, a burger and fries rearing their heads too. I'm so glad the farmer's market is tomorrow. nothing left to do but clean up and go to bed.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
The beginning

yesterday was Ethan's first day of first grade. yes of course he did the whole kindergarten thing but now he's in the numbers, the official count down to 12. every year he'll think he's getting smarter and we're getting dumber, I'm not stupid, I thought the same thing. which is exactly how I'm thinking of this whole parenting thing, not how they should see it but how I saw it in their position, I'm starting to think I'm pretty screwed. day 1 over.
Today! everybody up! on this new venture of staying home after 13 years in the wine/spirits industry I'm am bound and determined to get good non-prepackaged home cooked food into my children. today consists of made from scratch buckwheat pancakes (Buckwheat Pancakes: 1/4c whole wheat flour, 1/4c buckwheat flour, 1/2c ap flour, 1tbl brown sugar, 2tsp baking powder, 1/4tsp salt blended. in a separate bowl blend 1c milk, 1 egg and 2tbl oil, stir together until just combined and still lumpy, makes about 12 kid size pancakes), dripping in syrup and covered in fresh strawberries from the farmers market. what child/human could possibly resist? apparently my 4 year old elaina. she is sitting firmly in her room scream bloody murder for yogurt pretzels. um no. after a good 20min of screaming we now have to walk ethan all of 3 houses down the street to his school, a screaming/crying/slobbering elaina trailing behind. back home = back in her room. finally emerging to eat the now long cold disks and complimenting me on how yummy they are. girls.
The rest of the day consists so far of a bike ride to the lake and the ever dreaded trip to the grocery store where I fend off pleas for chips/cookies/candy/ice cream and a new fascination w/cowboy boots which they do not carry. I have no problem w/these items mind you but in my new venture Im trying to put my culinary arts degree to some good use finally and make as much of everything myself, right down to the garden I put in. have all the cookies you want little girl they're spiked w/shredded carrot/zucchini and laced w/spelt or some other disgustingly wholesome grain. enough chocolate chips and they'll never know!!!
'what's that on your eye mommy?'
'oh elijah whacked me w/some happy meal toy remnant while I was putting him in his car seat'
reaching up to feel the still sore spot on my eye, wondering why its wet. ugh. Im bleeding all over walmart. two obnoxious kids trapped in a cart and Im bleeding from a head wound. I quit my job why?
and now to my latest venture as elaina's preschool teacher. something I didn't have to worry about w/ethan since he was trapped in daycare/preschool from 13wks. hopefully some of it will rub off on the ever present elijah and it wont be as hard. for now I put elijah down for a nap and get out new flash cards.
'what shape is this elaina?'
'yes its yellow, but what shape?'
'um no, shape honey?'
'hmmmmm, APPLE!!!!!'
this is going to be harder than I thought. this is all going to be harder than I thought.
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