Saturday, August 30, 2008

Farmers Market

As an aspiring locavore I have come to absolutely love Saturday. Saturday is farmers market day. If Im not growing it myself then Im buying it at the farmers market where the flavors simply cant be beat. With 3 kids I want to make meals quick and have them taste their best, even if they only eat 2 bites of their zucchini I know what little they got in them is far better than an entire one shipped in from Uruguay 2 wks ago. Today's cache consisted entirely of garlic, my source had a sign on his table stating this was his last week there and it brought a tear to my eye. so I bought 6 and am hoping to sprout some of it so I can plant it myself.
After the market we had to find our seat on Main St for the county fair/politician's parade. At what point it became necessary for every person seeking some political office to enter in the parade is beyond me. luckily most were giving out candy so it kept the kids attention. Actually we need to rewind a wasnt all that warm yet so wandered in to the local coffee shop bypassing the Starbucks across the street. Finally getting to the front to order.
'yeah, I need 3 kids hot chocolates'
'its gunna be a while we have to make all the coffee customers first'
'does it help that I want a latte too?'
'Im just saying they're gunna have to wait'
'guess I thought you made drinks as they were ordered'

completely confused we left. they did know there was a parade outside their front door right? its only like the 142 annual one but hey lets not try to cater to kids!!! Kiddo's loved the parade, elijah of course holding his ears the entire time anticipating any loud noise but releasing them enough to scoop up all the candy falling like manna to his little feet.

tonights dinner grilled lemon garlic chicken w/sauteed garden corn and zucchini and a kamut pilaf. wine choice feeling like Ash Hollow Sauvignon Blanc, note to self...put in fridge!!!

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