Thursday, August 28, 2008

The beginning

Not knowing what I'm doing but jumping in w/both feet seem to be the course of my life as of late and therefore not surprisingly my first blog. I can start from the beginning as I see it but that would take an amazingly long time so we will start w/back to school.

yesterday was Ethan's first day of first grade. yes of course he did the whole kindergarten thing but now he's in the numbers, the official count down to 12. every year he'll think he's getting smarter and we're getting dumber, I'm not stupid, I thought the same thing. which is exactly how I'm thinking of this whole parenting thing, not how they should see it but how I saw it in their position, I'm starting to think I'm pretty screwed. day 1 over.

Today! everybody up! on this new venture of staying home after 13 years in the wine/spirits industry I'm am bound and determined to get good non-prepackaged home cooked food into my children. today consists of made from scratch buckwheat pancakes (Buckwheat Pancakes: 1/4c whole wheat flour, 1/4c buckwheat flour, 1/2c ap flour, 1tbl brown sugar, 2tsp baking powder, 1/4tsp salt blended. in a separate bowl blend 1c milk, 1 egg and 2tbl oil, stir together until just combined and still lumpy, makes about 12 kid size pancakes), dripping in syrup and covered in fresh strawberries from the farmers market. what child/human could possibly resist? apparently my 4 year old elaina. she is sitting firmly in her room scream bloody murder for yogurt pretzels. um no. after a good 20min of screaming we now have to walk ethan all of 3 houses down the street to his school, a screaming/crying/slobbering elaina trailing behind. back home = back in her room. finally emerging to eat the now long cold disks and complimenting me on how yummy they are. girls.

The rest of the day consists so far of a bike ride to the lake and the ever dreaded trip to the grocery store where I fend off pleas for chips/cookies/candy/ice cream and a new fascination w/cowboy boots which they do not carry. I have no problem w/these items mind you but in my new venture Im trying to put my culinary arts degree to some good use finally and make as much of everything myself, right down to the garden I put in. have all the cookies you want little girl they're spiked w/shredded carrot/zucchini and laced w/spelt or some other disgustingly wholesome grain. enough chocolate chips and they'll never know!!!

'what's that on your eye mommy?'
'oh elijah whacked me w/some happy meal toy remnant while I was putting him in his car seat'

reaching up to feel the still sore spot on my eye, wondering why its wet. ugh. Im bleeding all over walmart. two obnoxious kids trapped in a cart and Im bleeding from a head wound. I quit my job why?

and now to my latest venture as elaina's preschool teacher. something I didn't have to worry about w/ethan since he was trapped in daycare/preschool from 13wks. hopefully some of it will rub off on the ever present elijah and it wont be as hard. for now I put elijah down for a nap and get out new flash cards.

'what shape is this elaina?'
'yes its yellow, but what shape?'
'um no, shape honey?'
'hmmmmm, APPLE!!!!!'

this is going to be harder than I thought. this is all going to be harder than I thought.

1 comment:

  1. Shan these are very cool pics... I wish my kids would have taken this much time with their kids... Actually you are my kid and you have taken the time with your kids so congratulations on being such a great Mom...

    Your proud Papa
