Monday, May 4, 2009


There's something to be said for it. We went wine tasting yesterday, which in itself was great. We've only gone once in the past year and admittedly I miss it. Wine fascinates me as a living, evolving, entity. Tasting it in barrel and trying to predict what shape it will take 6m or a year from now at bottling and how that will change five, ten or 20 years down the line. And being the consumate shopper, trying to weed out all the best deals, getting off the beaten path to the current unknowns, finding the next set of "we bought them whens..." Going out on any sort of "Release Weekend" always brings out the know it alls and drunkards and honestly I can understand the cheesy one liners spewing forth by some of the pourers, I've been there, I've said them. Going tasting as one "in the business" granted had it's bonus', free tastings, free lunches, free accommodations. But it also comes with expectations. I like going as a local, stay at home mom. Possibly looking for something for our next BBQ. Granted, spitting probably did stand out as knowing a little more than we were letting on. My dear husband was kind enough to bring to my attention that one wine maker looked a bit miffed that I did spit, but that's neither here nor there. Being free to love the lowest level Cabernet because the reserve although better was not $20 better, walking out after tasting 2 really bad wines and not having to stay for the entire line up just because. We had a great day and learned a few things along the way. If I can get a really great German Riesling for under $15 and an exceptional one for $30, why would I pay $20 for yours? They weren't even close. If you're trying to make a new name for Rose' why are you making yours with 2% rs, no matter how you want to market it, this is not a "drier style." Even if you want exclusivity by offering things to wine club members only, you are shunning the locals that can and will pop on over for a bottle with dinner, because we can!!! I don't want 3 or 6 of your choosing, I want this That being said, we truly did find some gems at great prices, that I'm sure next year will fall out of our means. No shameless plugs here, I want them to stay within our budget as long as they can. I will of course be sending any family and friends their way to get the same honest, unpretentious, personal service we received yesterday. Thank you to all the owner/wine-makers whose passion for what they do shows through loud and clear and they aren't just out to be the next "auction house only" or "stack 'em high and let 'em fly." You will be seeing us again.


  1. I said I wasn't giving any shameless plugs ;) but the "winery village" at the airport in the far back, had some fantastic up and comers at great prices, head there first!!!
