Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I've posted before about how I know when I'm supposed to write something. Basically, to make the voices in my head stop their tirade I have to put it down on virtual paper. Well, the ranting won't let up and after a lengthy debate with myself, I finally figured out what I had to do. You see, I witnessed a disturbing (not eww gross disturbing, but the I'm going to pummel that person disturbing) situation where as a normal, calm person I did nothing. Unfortunately, my lack of nothing has unleashed the raving, moral, avenger and justice needs to be served. I think we're a nation of complainers and virtual healers. We see this abound on Facebook with the "state your bra color for breast cancer awareness" or "post this if you want to bring the troops home." The only thing I became aware of was your preference for undergarments and I'm pretty sure the troops still aren't here. So before I could write my lecture I had to make sure I did something about it, I did, so on we go. Disclaimer in place, this has to do with church, religion, God and other uncomfortable for some issues, please move along if these topics bring twitches and/or hives. In our last church service I viewed not 1 but 2 persons texting and reading emails through the entire service. Not an "I need to jump on quick, it's really important, someone may die if I don't read this right now" but a leisurely "I'm bored out of my mind, I should be making clam dip for the big game" sort of perusing. To top it off not 1 but 3 phones rang and 1 was actually answered. So what's the big deal? Why the tormenting voices? Respect. When I was working and we had those big corporate meetings we were told every time to put our phones on stun, and we did. We respected the VP that flew in from who knows where, to tell us how bad we were doing. We didn't like them, we didn't want to sell their "I wish it was at least mediocre wine" but we respected them as people doing their job. OK, so back to church. Who's the boss there? The pastor? That guy? Her? No, it's God. I go to hear what it is that He wants me to hear that day. Not what the literal guy behind the podium is saying to me, but what God is telling him to say, to me. Now, do I wish I was in a position that I no longer needed to hear what the message for the day is? No. Every time I read one of the books in the Bible I end up highlighting different passages than the last. Depending on what stage of my life I am in, things hit me differently. I can't tell you how many times I've thought "oh man we're singing this song again?" Only to see a woman a few rows up weeping at the first cords. It was what she needed to hear that day and if I wrote off the service as "not for me" maybe she wouldn't have heard it. Respect. If you can't go to service and give your undivided attention for the one hour, one time a week that he is asking then shame on you. Are you really going to convince anyone that that phone call was more important than hearing what little message may be lurking in today's sermon just for you, or what about the hurting parishioner next to you? What if they miss that one thing they were meant to hear because of your obnoxious ring tone? These are the same people I'm sure, that are holding out for God to scream their life plan at them. "Where is He? Why doesn't he answer my prayers?" Take the bluetooth out of your ear and LISTEN. Stop complaining and be an active participant in your spiritual health, God is not going to smack you upside the head and toss your cell phone into the narthex, but I might.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that texting or chatting or emailing in church is inappropriate!

    Re: your comment about the woman weeping at the first cords of a song. I had a similar experience. I was in church, NOT in a good mood, wondering how anyone could have faith that lasted. (Yea, it was a bad and doubt-filled day!) And when a song started, this older woman in front of me raised her hand, in praise as she sang. I have no idea who this woman was or what her spiritual journey has been. But her hand was gnarled with arthritis--and still, she praised God!
