Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Well Formed Plan

Well, maybe not so well formed but a plan none-the-less. As the purpose of this blog goes 'to let my kids see a glimpse into what they did to me' I figure I should get technical. Saturday is T-Day, that would be tracking day. Oh yes, I am going to set up charts in each room and for a day track the activity that is required of me there. I picked Saturday because all the kids are home and I intentionally don't scrub the house, do laundry, etc... As with the majority of humans I try to take Saturday's off and simply maintain the household. Scrubbing resumes Monday morning, which after a weekend of three kids and varying appearances of one husband, it's never pretty. As predictions go I'm guessing 8 times that I have to put away toothbrushes and toothpaste, 10 times of picking towels up off the floor, another 5 pulling shower curtain down into a normal position etc...Most moms can see where I'm going with this. Should be interesting...

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