Great, that would explain what Chloe is eating and smeared all over her side.
Elijah my baby is potty training. I’ve tried a few other half hearted efforts but now it's game on. To be done with diapers brings a tear to my eye, NOT! I've been elbow deep in someone else's bodily functions for six and a half years and would like to now narrow the list to simply, me. I figured it was time when he demanded I put his diaper on him, um no. He's smart, he knows he can go whenever, where ever in a diaper, without one, not so much. My baby boy.
Elijah's the last of the empire. Let me just say the patch is no longer my choice for birth control, Eric has sought out a more permanent solution. But alas, life finds a way and as I sat in my car eating the Hostess raspberry filled powder sugar donuts that I drove to 3 different stores in a frantic search for, the light bulb went off and I went to Walgreen's for a test. Not just a test mind you but one of those new fangled digital ones so as I sat there staring at it the word pregnant magically appeared before my eyes. Luckily at this point Eric simply laughed when I told him through my tears. I was off the chart scared. Persevere we did and I even managed an au natural birth which I truly wanted and with that my baby birthing is done. This of course was after my water broke at home and I made everyone go to Jack in the Box for an enormous spicy chicken sandwich and fries, I knew they would keep me as soon as we went to L&D and food would be banned till Elijah appeared.
Elijah is so easy going, does everything his older sib's do and often just as well. Except for being a 'cluster feeder' (he nursed non-stop from about 4pm-2am every.single.night.) he was a great baby. He's of course finding his voice now and saying "no!" alot more but he is 2. "I do it" is the phrase of choice. He plays with his sister all day and does awesome at any playgroup. With an affinity for being naked, I know our neighbors must think we're some back woods family that lets our kids run around without any clothes in the dead of well fall. But honestly I can dress him 12x a day and they all miraculously dissolve off of him seconds later. I no longer look down upon the parents of the barefoot kid playing in the street. Elaina goes to school next year and we'll have 2 solid years of bonding, my babe, my snuggler. His laugh is infectious and you can’t help but giggle at his indescribably deep voice with his "I not" response to most requests. I love ya goof ball, hopefully not more than you'll ever know.
wine last night was mediocre at best so will probably make a batch of spaghetti sauce using it today and see if some resemblance of flavor emerges from being open all night. Sauce on the other hand should be great, I picked up some hot Italian from Thundering Hooves, made from happy pigs, their products are so amazingly good.
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