Tonights plan is to trick or treat Eric's work (a retirement home) at 4, get home by 5 for homemade pizza with Ethan's friend and mom, then the whole clan will trick or treat the 3 or so blocks to church's party, play there, then trick or treat back home where multiple bottles of wine will surely be opened in an attempt to regain our sanity. Costumes are as follows, Elijah is a dragon. I bought it last year 90% off (woohoo) at Target, so he's all warm and cozy. Ethan wants to be the Hulk, costume also bought last year at same Target sale. Elaina on the other hand wants to be a princess. Alright, it's going to be like 37 degrees outside not exactly flouncy, frilly, princess weather. So my plan which I started warming her up to earlier in the week was to be a Dino-princess!!!! niiiiiiiiiice! Ethan had a plush dino costume he wore a few years back, I know its really warm, we're putting a tutu, crown and fairy wings on it and voila, dino-princess. I realize this is the last year I'm going to be able to get away with this. But right now mommy logic still prevails! Now to figure out how to dispose of all the candy while making them think they ate it all. Last year Eric simply took it all to his work to fatten up all his co-workers/customers. Ethan still talks of the injustice. I'm thinking a good handful a day taken out till a more manageable level is attained. That is of course after all the mommy and daddy candy are taking out. All normal chocolate, that includes anything not made into a Halloween shape, will be sequestered to the freezer. Anything toffee/butterscotch/carmel can't possibly be truly enjoyed by a child so those too will be hidden in a parent stash. Tootsie Rolls will also have to come out, what better way to subdue a sweet tooth than with a chewy, fat free treat. Anything nostalgic will probably have to go, they don't understand the subtle complexities of a Sugar Daddy or a Bit O'Honey so why bother them with it. Now to figure out what goes best with out Halloween booty, maybe a bit of bubbly is in order...
Dinner last night was chicken, broccoli, rice casserole. I think everyone makes one for potlucks and such but I love that we've always done ours w/pepper jack cheese so its nice and creamy and spicy. Didn't managed to make spaghetti sauce yesterday, I was knee deep in batter.
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