Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Aniversary!!!

Not my marriage, that's in July.

One year ago, I quit my job.

One year ago, I had one cup of coffee every morning, now I have to have 2 and another about 3pm.

One year ago, I feared my heart was giving out on me, now I feel better than I have in years.

One year ago, I was too over-whelmed to watch the kids by myself, now I actually miss being away from them, which doesn't happen often.

One year ago, I couldn't imagine taking all three any where other than a park, now I'm confident enough to take them to multiple venues running errands.

One year ago, I thought my worth was measured by how much money I was contributing to the family, now I know my contribution is so much more.

One year ago, I was depressed and felt sorry for myself, now I'm thankful for every waking moment.

Our marriage anniversary will always be the most important, this anniversary is for my family. It's the one where I finally put them first. This is the anniversary of financial sacrifice and the anniversary of learning to live selflessly. I have a long way to go still but I've taken the step. I've started down a path I don't ever want to veer from. So I thank you my love, for affording me the opportunity to save what's left of my sanity. Thank you for working so hard to allow me to be there for the kids physically and emotionally which hopefully means I can do the same for you. This is our families anniversary of change, it's not just my day. It's ours.

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