"Man I caught Crowey being mean to one of the girls again! He was standing on her back and pecking her head!!!"
Luckily Ethan was able to "save" the chicken, much to Crowey's mounting (hahaha) protests. In a perfect world I will simply say Crowey is trying to make chicks that's how they do it and he will say Oh, OK, no problem. Somehow I doubt that will be the case. I sense way more explaining than I would like to do and my dream now is to hopefully stick to the animal world, leaving homosapien's out of the picture. Again I see this as having a fleeting to slim chance of happening. Innocence lost. Never to look at well anyone the same again. Just another job of parenthood that we have to suck up and do, ignorance is not bliss, ignorance makes me a grandmother at 40. Thanks a lot Crowey, I'm starting to picture him bathing in a bottle burgundy more and more.
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