Friday, July 10, 2009

Just don't name them...

Meet 'Chipmunk'. So named for obvious reasons. A one day old Araucana that flew in under powers not her own, yesterday. Waiting all morning for the call to come get our peeping package. The post office had been notified and numbers left earlier in the week. The company had been gently reminded to make sure our number was on the outside of the package (which upon receipt was noted that it was). And yet... at 10 am I receive a phone call (and 2 emails) from Texas that the local post office can't get a hold of me??? Inefficiency of our government offices aside, we raced downtown.

*please note I hesitantly use the term 'downtown' as it is comprised of a smattering of tasting rooms and a few shops most locals can't afford to frequent.*

The confusion of the kids becomes obvious when we pull up,

'um, this is not where we get chickens!'

Oh yes it is!

The elderly farmer in line behind us took on the same look of wonderment as the kids, when our chirping parcel was placed on the counter for inspection.

'How did you get chicks in the mail?!? The Internet?!?'

after I explained how it was less expensive to over night them from Texas then to buy locally, I magically transformed from highbrow poultry purchaser, to thrifty mom. To my own surprise he then inquired if I had checked 'Craigslist', which I told him I had and they were still more expensive at the time we ordered. Which brings us back to our brown, white and tan fluff ball. She is not alone by any means and the other 9 are equally adorable and aptly named, but 'Chipmunk' has been claimed as my own and therefore will be chronicled here, for my own personal amusement. We had a relatively good success rate with raising chicks, even after Elaina tried 'teaching one to fly' last year, a night in a private room/ICU, left her fully recovered. I have few worries that she won't make it to laying age (about 20 weeks) and beyond. Where will she be in the literal pecking order? When will she first lay? What color will it be? (Araucana's lay multiple shades of blue/green eggs) Will she be a nut case like our adult Araucana (Marsala)? Or will hand raising leave her calm and tame? (not likely)

I know you're as intrigued as I, and so begins the adventures of Chipmunk.

*please note for any chicken breed nazi's out there, I'm referring to her as an araucana because that is what my invoice says, I do realize she is more then likely an easter egger. Those non-nazi's have no clue what I'm talking about and this is for the best.

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