Sunday, September 12, 2010


When I was growing up the Kennedy assassination was the "I remember when" statement of choice. Today, my generation looks to 9/11 as ours. I was pregnant with our first child and kept willing him to stay inside, thinking how could we be bringing a child into such chaos. But more importantly I was getting ready for work. We had very important suppliers in town that day and death and destruction be damned we were going to sell some bourbon!!! I actually believe that day was the beginning of the restructuring of my priorities. I drove in awe from account to account trying to convince restaurant owners that an expansive bourbon collection was just as important as the lost lives being displayed unceasingly on our tv's. I got home and took a shower. It's easy when you're in the moment to try to refocus on what really matters. When tragedy strikes we run and kiss our kids and hold them tight vowing to not let the sun set without a goodnight snuggle. Life happens, laundry suddenly seems more important than reading that story. Cleaning the kitchen out ranks a bike ride, until another slap in the face reminds me that the most important things in life are clambering at this very second for another reassurance of my love, even though I thought they already knew. An easy weekend alone with mom turns into a Saturday dinner out and snuggling with a movie followed by a Sunday of football and talking smack, these are the moments I'll hold tight as I brace for the next blow.