Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feelin' foggy.

Studies have shown that after child birth we suffer a certain amount of memory loss, lasting at least a year and it's unknown if it ever actually gets better. I'm confident after putting a teaspoon of salt in my coffee this morning that it does not. When I was working I would laugh the first time I would drive past an account, my mind elsewhere. After turning around and heading back I would then get a bit irritated upon passing it again and by the third time, well let's just say some people didn't get seen that day. We blame it on a few things, lack of sleep topping the list. As newborns of course they are up all night, then they start sleeping through and now we're up wondering if the second hand on the ticking clock is them crying from a night terror. If you're home with them you don't sleep when they do because when else would you shower/eat/pee/or do laundry so you're not wearing those same sweatpants you wore through out the entire last 4mo? If you're back to work you're thinking about whom ever is entrusted with their care, are they crying because you're gone? not eating? did they just fall/roll over/walk/recite the Declaration Proclamation with out us seeing it first???? Your mind is elsewhere.

I also think a lack of nutrition plays in here as well. I would spend my pregnancy eating 24/7 storing up reserves for the inevitable. Mom's don't get to eat. At least not for a while. I discovered anything I could microwave in 20 seconds and eat with one hand was my friend. With my third I actually managed to make all his baby food, which helped me not gag when swiping a bite to stave off my own hunger pangs. Now grazing on the spare nugget and last drops of chocolate milk somehow count as lunch. If I do manage to reheat some leftovers there is always someone who thinks if mom is eating it, it must be better than what I've got!!! Even if it's something no one came near the night before! I've dubbed this the mommy diet and now make a 6 egg omelet for myself even after they have loaded up on pancakes and bacon. I'll be lucky to get an egg with a strand of cheese.

I've become a maker of lists. Lists of things to do/buy/go/make/want/read/ask about/look up. Referring to these actual lists, is the number one priority on 'to do'. I still forget milk at the store, to make a vegetable with dinner, to turn on the dryer, to look up the address of our old pediatrician so the new one will see my kids and countless more. One thing I won't forget, is the subtle difference between the salt and sugar bowl.

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