Food has always played a huge role in my life. From when I decided to drop my Political Science major and get my Culinary Arts Degree. To meeting my then future husband in class. Food steered me into the wine industry, setting me on voyage I didn't foresee. The past few years real food had taken a back seat to child rearing and work. Dinner consisted of some KFC in the backseat while we sped to the latest sports practice. Weaning the kiddo's off the fast food and making them eat the real stuff has been less then easy. I often wonder if they would eat my meals better if I served them in a box and gave them a new toy. Instead I've opted for getting them involved. Starting with the garden where they sow, tend and harvest right along with me. Getting to explain to them why the eggs they are toting back to the fridge are warm from the hen, not ice box cold like they are used to. Showing them how to knead bread and putting toppings on their own pizza. The next task is explaining (and have them understand) why it's better for us to eat "Molly" (who is currently tucked in the freezer) then to eat the poor pseudo-free range one from the store that was only 8 weeks old and never actually exercised it's option to go outside to eat a blade of grass or run after a grasshopper. But those are ethic's issues not easily adopted by a 6 year old so we'll stick with she was a freeloader not laying well and not all that nice. Do we still eat McDonald's? Of course we do. I've got 3 kids, we would have a mutiny if we didn't, maybe that's their version of Creektown, we don't go all the time but when they do it's the most amazing experience they can imagine. Lately, I don't know if anything has made me happier than seeing pro-corn commercials airing, it means the word is getting out and maybe people will actually delve into the facts some more so they CAN know what the problem is. Read a label you'll understand why you can't eat it in moderation. That's all for my high horse on that subject. We also all eat dinner together at the dinner table. There are so many studies out showing how much better kids do in school when dinner is eaten as a family. TV off. Newspaper's put down. We talk, we plan, we share with each other. Not just on Sunday's but every night. Yes it's that important. Food will always bring people together, I'm hoping it will always keep mine that way.
I suppose now I'm supposed to write out my family spaghetti recipe, here's a guideline so to speak. Italian sausage both sweet and hot, lots of garlic, onions and mushrooms sauteed add tomato paste cook some more and de-glaze w/red wine, fresh oregano and thyme are added w/tomato juice, salt and pepper to taste, dash of sugar depending on acid in tomato's you're using. Don't salt till your done simmering or it will condense too much. Simmer preferable a really long time, always better the next day. finish w/fresh basil at service.
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