Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah...

I read an article about blogs and how "mom blogs" are some of the most popular because we have such a wealth of situations that we can write about. There's work if the mom doesn't stay home, home if she does, the kids, dog, in our case stupid chickens, our hobbies ie; reading, photography, knitting, drinking heavily after the kids go to bed, favorite recipes... you get the idea. We can vent about our children which happens more often than not, or maybe even our husbands which I would obviously never do since mine is a saint for still coming home every night, that coupled with the fact that he reads this. Hi hon. I could talk about politics but I'm trying to keep my stress level in check, raising 3 kids raises my blood pressure enough. I could talk about the trip to the grocery store this morning and how after I threatened Elijah within an inch of his life to stay right by the cart he proceeded to pull the entire thing over on himself. Or how when on our way to the next store I looked in my rear view mirror only to discover two naked children smiling back at me. How they got their clothes off while still buckled in is still a mystery. I could talk about how much I love that I had a meatloaf in the freezer that I just had to pop in the oven along with some potatoes and roasted broccoli, dinner done, effort zero. The chickens (or how I'm now referring to them 'the stupid chickens') are always great fodder. I could tell you how they have decided to only lay eggs on TOP of the cabinet in their coop we use for storage and not in the 4 nests we have for them. I could tell you how we expanded their shelf top nests to three since they were all yelling at each other to get out so a new girl could get in. Thinking of course that they are the most spoiled birds in Eastern Washington with no less then 9 nests for 8 hens that are laying and they all STILL lay in one nest and STILL yell at each other to get out and move along "Where or where will my precious egg go??!" stupid chickens. But I digress. I'm happy I can still find humor in the same old same old. 2 loads of laundry sitting on the bed and 2 in the washer/dryer, folding time is MP3 time and I can't wait to listen to my new favorite song "By my side" by Tenth Avenue North. Yes, mom blogs will not fall by the wayside, I've never been accused of having nothing to say.

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