Oh yes, we are in full lock down. It started with Elaina and I, we recruited Elijah yesterday and today Ethan has joined our ranks. Since for some unknown reason, only to be explained by the evil virus coursing through my body, I uncharacteristically opted out of taking any sleepy medicine last night. Waking up every 15 minutes in shivering fits while bundled in my electric blanket, I was able to hear Ethan getting up and heading for the bathroom not once but two times. Uh oh, he's one of us. I can't claim the sun as being up but eventually I did just give up and go to the living room, Ethan soon joined me. He looked green. He didn't think he looked green of course and thought I should look at him in different light. Oh for the days of not wanting to miss school. Honestly, I didn't want to walk him there! "You can stay home, it's OK!" "I'm fine, I want to play with my friends" "I don't think you're friends want to play with YOU!" "Ill call if I don't want to stay" "fine" I relent, get everyone dressed/bundled and literally out the door when I take one more stab at not walking 3 houses down in 25-degree weather. The thermometer. AHA!!! 99.9 I knew it!!! Off with the coats, get a pillow, blanket and full control over the remote. And here we sit. Luckily a couple cups of coffee, some sudafed and I'm at a good 85% of normal which I will need, to tend to the every desire of my 3 congested cherubs. Elaina sounds the worst but being a girl is wrestling with Chloe on the floor after spending 10 minutes outside supervising egg production. Ethan hasn't left his spot on the couch, since giving him permission to be sick. He can no longer move his arms more than 4 inches to the left or right and groaning lamentations of a dieing man have taken over. If only he could speak in Shakespearean prose;
But, woe is me, you are so sick of late, So far from cheer and from your former state... Luckily Elijah is too young to work it, he's happily playing monster trucks through the phlegm filled hacking. And what do I do to discourage his fore lorn plight? A blanket, plenty of kisses and cocoa on the way, I'll never pass up an opportunity to baby my oldest, once again I apologize to his future wife, you'll understand one day when your baby turns 7.
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