Friday, January 23, 2009

One Crafty Mama...

NOT!!! I'm admittedly craft impaired. Luckily kids can make a craft out of anything. Currently Elaina is sporting some goggles she made out of an egg carton and large amounts of tape. Ethan has made a bird house out of a box, the rest of the egg carton and some plastic wrap. The birds will eat out of the egg cartons and live in the box. It's an "ice" day off from school so sitting at the table and cutting stuff with scissors seems the activity of choice which is better than watching Diego all day. Elaina may now be trying to fashion some sort of eye wear for the girls since she keeps taking them outside for short stints before coming back in and re-working them. Wire cutters have also been enlisted on Ethan's side. I'm not sure really where my crafty gene went. My sister and I spent days playing with paper dolls that we made. My sister would draw the girls on cardboard, we would cut them out and then trace clothes for them that we colored and cut out. I loved to work with clay, shaping and molding various forms/people/animals to then paint. I'm assuming what little imagination for the ordinary I had was transferred to my children at birth and that's why they are content to play with water bottles and a stick. My sister and I also loved forts and I live in fear every day that my kids will make some of the architectoral feats that we attempted. The dining table in the middle, chairs pulled out to every side, blankets draped over the top and sides to hide our cozy abode inside. Sounds fine, now pan out of the picture to see the toaster, crock pot and dutch oven on the table holding the blankets precariously on the table. Now try to imagine how that one blanket is actually staying firmly against the wall, could it be the 14 staples in the wall or when we ran out of staples the thumb-tacks or brads??? They are always amazed how we seem one step ahead of them in their quest for fun. I only pray we still will be in the teen years.

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