Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You talkin' to me?

Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? that comprises 90% of the conversations in my house. Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? about the 23rd one my response is markedly harried. WHHHAAAAAT????? I plead. But the inquiry is quickly lost, the adhd that all humans under the age of 16 suffer from has kicked in and they have moved on. When they are newborns you can tell by the cry what's wrong. oh that's nothing he's just tired, or sounds like someone needs a diaper change or get me that bottle stat!!! The cry has now evolved from a WWWAAAAAAAA to a MOOOOOOM! Each with their own special meanings.
mooOOOM? with the squeaky rise of a field mouse on the end means I really want something but don't think you're going to give it to me.
moooommy? very quiet and high with the added y means I love you soooooo much please let me have...
MOM MOM MOM MOM means Ethan and/or Chloe is doing something particularly devious.
mama? can easily be swapped for moooommy but generally only used by Ethan, means he wants something and is oddly asking for it instead of swiping it and hiding somewhere to be consumed at which point I will A. find the wrapper or B. smell it on his breath.
MOm means I want something now and feeling pretty full of myself that I can snap at you like this.
MOOOOOMMMY MOOOOOMMMY as loud and drawn out as possible means please let me out of my room before I die, I swear I won't snap at you again.
Oddly the bearer of most mom requests is probably Ethan with Elaina pulling a close second. Ethan's requests gear toward a treat (a word that conjures visions of nails and large chalkboards) or to play with him, since there is "nooooooobody to play with meeeeeee". Considering he doesn't really want to play with you as much as he wants you to watch him play, many pleas are squelched where they stand. Elaina's aren't so much requests as demands, usually involving the word now, a hand on her hip and if she's serious, her eyes rolling to the top of her head at the end of the tyraid. Hence the frantic moooooommy screaming that ensues from being thrown in her room. It's all getting documented here, one day they will have their own babes and I will sit with them and scream their names till they frantically come running, fearing I've fallen and can't get up, only to have me question what they want and say I'm fine with a you're a crazy person look on my face. I think calling and hanging up when they answer will suffice when we aren't in each others presence. What comes around little ones, what comes around.

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