Saturday, January 3, 2009

So ends the honeymoon...

It was actually pretty comical for me to re-write the post yesterday considering that feel-good-oh-it's-beautiful-blah-blah-blah-thing ended weeks ago. The following was written on December 27th, Ethan's 7th Birthday.

So ends the honeymoon

Yes, it was pretty. Yes, it was majestic, serene, unencumbered, weightless fluff. Now it just sucks. The kids are done playing in it. I'm done shoveling it. the girls are done hiding from it. Chloe is done swimming in it. I'm ready to see just how much of my lilac bush I can salvage from all the broken branches. I'm ready to see if any of my winter veggies survived under the tarp (props to Territorial Seed if they do!) I want to see if Ethan and Elaina can ride the new bikes they got for Christmas and most of all I want out of my HOUSE!!! Playing pioneer woman was fun for about 2 days now I want to drive my car and play on the Internet which hopefully I will be able to do next week. I've managed to learn a lot the past few weeks.

1. Make sure you have hard copies of all address' and phone numbers, especially at Christmas time! I was sending cards as I received them.

2. Make sure the cookbooks you have are usable. No really. I have purged about 10 from my collection as having no redeeming value. All the international cookbooks in the world won't help you make a simple birthday cake. I depend way too much on the Internet for inspiration and/or recipes.

3. Burn all mp3's to CD, a player full of music does you no good if you can't charge it.

4. Don't make fun of people that finish Christmas shopping in July. Living in a town of 30,000 is great until you no longer have the Internet to use for shopping. Get it done early.

I've been forced to get in touch with my creative side which honestly is more than a little dusty. Ethan wanted a spider cake for his Birthday today. Normally I would peruse thousands of cake designs on-line and alter to my abilities which are remedial at best. We did manage to put one together and it was all a 7 year old could ask for! Not bad mom. Yes, my baby turns 7 today. At this moment in time he wants to be a paleontologist. Last night he climbed into our bed because he was dreaming of giant bats and he wants his first mp3 player. Still my baby and so grown up at the same time. Still doesn't want to go to 'sleep away' school (college) because he won't be living with us (me). I of course know that will change most likely in the next year. Ethan charges to the top of the sledding hill shouting "I'm first, I'm first" all the way, only to turn over the right to his little sister, not out of brotherly love mind you, but because his sense of adventure is equal only to my own. Once he saw she survived and no ambulance's were needed he couldn't get enough. And so another year comes to an end, well almost. I've learned a lot this year, just didn't know so much of it would be in the last 3 weeks.

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